
Thanatos, also known as 'Than', is a name derived from the phrase 'He who brings death'.

He is a young, ambitious Dark Elf practising in the darker arts of spellcraft, mastery of the blade, and most surprisingly, for a native of the Underdark, music. The latter led to him being shunned, then banished from his home, causing him to become resourceful and skilled at his crafts at a young age. Through this, he is well versed in devising plans, as well as forging his own armour weaponry, and even instruments! Still finding his place within Erdreja, he found common ground with the Brotherhood of Night due to their welcoming disposition, along with their membership containing some of the only Bards within the Underdark, breathing some new life into a cause which was depleted in numbers at the time.

Now, as he ages and begins to hold firmer views of life, Thanatos is a steadfast worshipper of Chaos, and is embracing his Dark Elven ancestry. The ideas of legacy, along with autonomy within body and mind, drives him to grasp at as much power as he can possibly attain in order to be free and protect the Brotherhood he is now fiercely loyal to. Through this, he has become a squire to the Paladin Flea within the BoN, getting his hands dirty for both him and their leader, Madrak. In doing so, he is also found crafting plans and schemes to further the strength and influence of the Brotherhood.

Alongside his loyalty to Chaos, lies the loyalty to his race, the Dark Elves. While estranged from the Dark Elves in his past, leading to a distrust of his own race, through connections within the BoN, he has allied himself with the Dark Elf Ty-Kharn, helping him in his machinations where he can. Furthermore, in embracing his musical nature, he has begun to perform within the Bards Guild, alongside Adara, a fellow Drow within the BoN, with a voice as powerful as her commands to the rest of the BoN, marking the return of the Tarantula nation within the Guild.

And this is only the dawn of his legacy...