We are C.o.C.
Calico was born into subjugation aboard the slaver vessel Blue Oyster. From an early age she was forced to serve the captain and officers, giving her the opportunity to study Magecraft closely and unobtrusively.
Over the course of years, she quietly and in secret built up her skills aboard the Blue Oyster. Then came the day when that vessel made the mistake of going up against the Lunar Storm. As soon as the Blue Oyster was being boarded, Calico lead an insurrection against the officers and free crew. She declined the opportunity to become the new captain, and instead elected to take up Mercurius' offer of becoming his First Mate after the previous incumbent's tragic accident during the encounter. As a further reward for her bravery and initiative, she was awarded Mercurius' own sword.
Growing tired of 'finger wiggling', in 1123 Calico abandoned her studies of Magecraft, deciding that developing her warrior skills would better serve her, her crew and The Scourge. Hard training in sparring toughened her body up considerably and allows her to remain well-protected physically without sacrificing speed by choosing to don only light armour. She wields a short sword in her off-hand, and a slim, manoeuverable longsword as her main droit. These weapons cannot be shattered, nor can Calico be forced to drop them or be driven from a confrontation against her will. She still retains some small interest in the Arcane Mysteries having learned a smatter of healing from her captain.
Calico typically wears a crushed black velvet dress over a white tunic, with black boots, a red cape and her hair caught in a piratical bandana.